

■ Anchorage bond stress
   • Anchorage at inflection points
   • Anchorage at supports
      ♦ Bottom bars
      ♦ Top bars
   • Bends and Hooks
   • Solved example
   • Allowable bending moment (Working stress method)
   • Balanced section (Limit state method)
   • Balanced section (Working stress method)
   • Balanced section constants (Working stress method)
   Basic requirements
      ♦ Area (maximum allowable) of tension steel in beams
      ♦ Area (minimum required) of tension steel in beams
      ♦ Concrete cover to reinforcement
      ♦ Deflection control (Modification factors)
      ♦ Preliminary dimensions
      ♦ Side face reinforcement
      ♦ Spacing (minimum) between bars of beams
      ♦ Spacing (maximum allowable) between bars of beams
   • Cracking moment
   • Compression failure
      ♦ Compression failure (Limit state method)
      ♦ Compression failure (Working stress method)
   • Continuous beam (analysis)
      ♦ Moment and shear coefficients
      ♦ Moment envelope
   • Continuous beam (design)
   • Depth of neutral axis (Limit state method)
   • Depth (maximum) of neutral axis (Limit state method)
   • Fixing number and diameter of bars
   • Limiting area of tensile steel
   • Limiting area of tensile steel (percentage)
   • Limiting moment of resistance of rectangular sections
   • Linear Elastic Cracked Phase
   • Modulus of rupture
   • Moment at first crack
   • Plane section remain plane after bending
   • Tension failure
      ♦ Tension failure (Limit state method)
      ♦ Tension failure (Working stress method)
   • Ultimate Limit State
   • Ultimate moment of resistance
   • Under reinforced section (Limit state method)
   • Under reinforced section (Working stress method)      [2]

■ Bearing stress at bends
■ Bent-up bars
■ Bond stress

■ Curtailment of bars
   • bars at continuous supports
      ♦ code requirements
   • bars in frames
   • curtailment when Moment coefficients are used
   • development length requirements
   • Precaution to prevent diagonal cracks
   • Simple supports
      ♦ code requirements
   • Theoretical points
      ♦ Extension beyond theoretical points

■ Development length
■ Development length (unique value)
■ Doubly reinforced beam sections
   • Analysis
      ♦ Solved examples

   • Design
      ♦ Solved examples

■ Effective span of continuous members
■ Effective span of simply supported members

■ Factored loads
■ Flanged sections
   • Analysis
   • Design
   • Effective flange width
   • Integral action between slab and beam
   • Isolated T-beams and L-beams
   • Limiting moment of resistance
   • Ultimate moment of resistance

■ Inflection points

■ Modular ratio
■ Modular ratio of reinforced concrete

■ Partial fixity at supports for slabs

■ Partial safety factors
   • For Loads
   • For materials

■ Shear

   • Bent-up bars
   • Code provisions
   • Critical sections
   • Design shear stress
   • Diagonal Tension crack
   • Horizontal shear stress
   • Inclined stirrups
   • Principal planes
   • Shear strength of concrete
   • Slabs
   • Solved examples
   • Stirrups
   • Tensile stress trajectory
   • Ultimate shear resistance
   • Ultimate shear resistance (limiting value)
   • Varying depth

■ Serviceability Limit State

■ Slabs (One-way)
   • Area of steel and spacing of bars
   • Continuous One-way slabs
      ♦ Analysis
      ♦ Design
   • Distributor bars in slabs
   • Simply supported One-way slabs
      ♦ Analysis
      ♦ Design
   • Shrinkage and temperature effects
   • Transverse moments in One-way slabs

■ Slabs (Two-way)

■ Splicing of bars
   • Lap splices
      ♦ Calculation of lap lengths
      ♦ Increase in lap length based on concrete cover
      ♦ Increase in lap length based on stress and the No. of splices
      ♦ Staggering of lapped splices
   • Safe regions for splices
   • Staggering of splices

■ Stairs
   • Basic requirements

      ♦ Going
      ♦ Landing
      ♦ Nosing
      ♦ Rise
      ♦ Tread
      ♦ Waist slab thickness
   • Bars at Landing
   Layout at site
   • Loads on stairs
    Longitudinal stairs
   • Right angled stairs
   • Stairs built into side walls
   • Stairs supported on Landings
    Transverse stairs
      ♦ Loads
      ♦ Stringer beams
      ♦ Stairs cantilevering from sides of stringer beams

■ Stairs

■ Strain compatibility method
■ Stress strain curve for concrete (LSM)
■ Stress strain curve for steel (LSM)

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