
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Chapter 3 (cont..10) Limiting Moment of Resistance

In the previous section we saw the details about the 'Ultimate Moment of Resistance'. In this section, we will discuss about another property of beam sections, called the 'Limiting Moment of Resistance'. This is denoted as Mu,lim.  We will discuss this based on an example. The fig.3.34 below shows the comparison between two beam sections, Beam A and Beam B.

Comparison between two beam sections

Both sections have the same cross sectional dimensions. The difference is only in the area of steel. The results of analysis are also shown in the fig. Beam A is capable of giving a resisting moment of 64.37 kNm at the ultimate state. Beam B is capable of giving a resisting moment of 88.24 kNm at the ultimate state. Both have the same area of concrete and all other properties are the same. We know that the 'difference in area of steel' is causing this 'difference in MuR'. (We have seen earlier that when a lower area of steel is provided, the section will reach the ultimate state at lower loads).

Beam A has the 'potential' to give more. But the area of steel provided in it does not allow it to offer a higher resistance. So we can think of increasing the area of steel so that the full potential can be utilized. But we cannot just give any higher area. Beam B shows the ill effect of giving such a higher area of steel: It has become an over reinforced section. So we want to know the limit upto which the steel area can be increased, with out making it an Over reinforced section.

We have seen earlier that xu,bal (Eq.3.13) is the bench mark for deciding whether a beam section is under reinforced or over reinforced. If the depth of NA is less than xu,bal, then the section is under reinforced. If it is greater than xu,bal, then the section is over reinforced. So we can increase the area of steel upto such a level that the depth of NA becomes equal to xu,bal. We will now see how this increase can be achieved:

We know the equation to calculate the xu,bal of any given section.



When a beam section is having the depth of NA equal to xu,bal at the ultimate state, the compressive force in concrete (calculated using Eq.3.7) will be equal to 

Cu  = 0.362 fck b xu,BAL

The tensile force in steel will be equal to 0.87fy Ast. The stress is equal to 0.87fy because, the section is not an over reinforced one, and so the steel would have yielded at the ultimate state.

The area of steel Ast that we are using here is the 'limiting steel'. Because, if we use an area greater than this, xu will exceed xu,bal . So we will denote it as Ast,lim. Thus we get

Tu = 0.87fy Ast,lim 

For equilibrium,  Cu = 0.362 fck b xu,BAL = Tu0.87fAst,lim  

From this we get


So we have the area of steel required to obtain the 'full potential' from the beam section. We can now calculate the magnitude of this 'full potential'. We will set up the section (by giving an area of steel equal to Ast,lim) with the depth of NA equal to xu,BAL.

So the Compressive force = Cu = 0.362 fck b xu,BAL.
The lever arm = z = d - 0.416xu,BAL . 
Thus the moment =  0.362 fck b xu,BALd - 0.416 xu,BAL ) 

This is the full potential from the beam section. That means, we cannot expect more from the section. In other words, it is the 'Limiting Moment of Resistance' of the given section. So we can write:

Mu,lim = 0.362 fck b xu,BALd - 0.416 xu,BAL ) 

Using the above Eq.3.22, we can obtain the Mu,lim of any given beam section. Now we will see another important derivation:

In the course of derivation for Mu,lim, we saw that the calculation of xu,BAL is an important step. It is the bench mark. If the depth of NA is greater than xu,BAL, then the beam is an over reinforced one. So we can say that the maximum value that xu can take is xu,BAL. In the code, this maximum value that xu can take, is denoted as xu,max.

We have seen Eq.3.13 above, which gave xu,BAL. Now this can be re-written in terms of xu,max  as:



So xu,max, just like xu,BAL, depends only on d and fy. So if we are given a beam section, just by using it's d, and the fy value of it's steel, we can write the xu,max of that section. We can bring d to the left side so that fy is the only variable present on the right side:


On the right side, we can give three different values for fy. They are 250, 415 and 500 for the three grades of steel. If we can make a table with these values, lengthy calculations on the right side can be avoided. The table 3.4 below is prepared in this way:

Table 3.4
Maximum value that the depth of neutral axis can take with out making the section an over reinforced one in Limit state design

These values are given below the Fig.23 of the code.

Sample calculation:
Let us take Fe500 steel. Є*st = [500/(1.15 x 2 x 105)] + 0.002 = 0.0041739
Substituting this in Eq.3.24 we get xu,max /d= 0.0035/(0.0035+0.0041739) = 0.4560

So, if we are given a beam section with steel of Fe500 grade, we can calculate xu,max of the section directly by multiplying it's effective depth d by 0.4560.

Now let us consider Eq.3.22 above which gives the Mu,lim of any section. We will re-write it in terms of xu,max:


Mu,lim = 0.362 fck b xu,maxd - 0.416 xu,max ) 

In this case also, if we can make a table, lengthy calculations can be avoided. Let us divide both sides of Eq.3.25 by  bd2. We will get:

Equation for calculating the limiting moment of resistance of a singly reinforced rectangular beam section, by using the limit state method.

This is the same eq. given in cl.G-1.1(c) of the code.

Let us put the quantity on the right side equal to 'K'. That is:


The right side has two variables, which are xu,max /d  and fck . We can put the three values for the three grades of steel (from table 3.4 above) for xu,max /d. We can also put the commonly used values of fck. Thus the table 3.5(b) shown below can be prepared:

Sample calculation:

Let us take Fe415 steel and M25 concrete. For Fe415 steel, xu,max /d = 0.4791. For M25 concrete, fck = 25. So putting these values in Eq.3.27, we get K = 3.472. This is the same value in the table 3.5(b). So if we are given a beam section with fck = 25 and fy = 415, we can directly calculate it's Mu,lim by multiplying 3.472 by it's bd2 .

We have to learn one more property of the beam section: The 'percentage of steel' provided in it. This is denoted by the symbol pt. As the name indicates, it is the area of steel in a section, expressed as a percentage of the area of cross section. It is important to note that this area of cross section is equal to bd and NOT bD. That is., the effective depth d is used in calculating the area of cross section. Not the Total depth DSo we get 


Let us now consider the limiting value of steel given by Eq.3.21. We will re-write it in terms of xu,max. 


Let us multiply both sides by 100, and at the same time divide both sides by bd. Then we will get:


100Ast,lim / bd is the percentage of limiting steel, and is denoted as pt,lim. The right side has two variables: fck and fy. (xu,max /d depends on fy). So we can give the commonly used values for fck, and fy make a table. This is shown in table 3.5(a) below.

Sample calculation:

Let us take M25 concrete and Fe500 steel. Then from Eq.3.30,  pt,lim = 41.61 x (25/500) x .4560 = 0.949. This is the same value given in Table 3.5.

So, if we are given a beam section having fck = 25 and fy = 500, then we can say that it's pt,lim is equal to 0.949. That means, the maximum area of steel that the section can have, with out making it Over reinforced is 0.949 x(bd/100)

Table 3.5
Limiting percentage of tensile steel in beam sections according to limit state method

Let us now calculate the values of Mu,lim and Ast,lim of the beam section in fig.3.34 above. We have the following data: b =230mm, d =350mm, fck = 20 N/mm2fy = 415 N/mm2

Calculation of Mu,lim:

 From Eqs.3.26 and 3.27, Mu,lim / bd2 = K 
 From Table 3.5(b), corresponding to  fck = 20N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2, K = 2.777
 So we get Mu,lim = 2.777 x 230 x 3502 = 78241975 Nmm = 78.24 kNm

Calculation of Ast,lim:

 From Eq.3.30, 100Ast,lim bd = pt,lim
 From Table 3.5(a), corresponding to fck = 20N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2, pt,lim = 0.961
 So we get Ast,lim = (0.961 x 230 x 350)/100 = 773.605 mm2

Now we will add this section to the fig.3.34 and obtain the fig.3.35 below:

Comparison between three sections 

In the fig., Ast,lim is given as such. It is not converted into bars. The reason is that, we have only a certain number of bar diameters available in the market. Also, we can only provide whole number of bars. Fractions of bars cannot be provided. So it is difficult to provide the exact area. In this case, however, we will not be needing to give the exact Ast,lim in real beams. Ast,lim is used only as a bench mark.

Based on the above fig.3.35, we can now try to learn an important aspect about Mulim. We see that the beam in the middle has it's 'capacity' denoted as Mulim. The beams on either sides of it have their 'capacities' denoted as MuR. From the discussions that we had so far, we can say that, 'Mulim' is a particular value of 'MuR' of a beam section. That is: Keeping all the properties same, if we change Ast only, then for each value of Ast, there will be a corresponding value for MuR. But there will be only one value for Mulim., and it corresponds to Ast,lim

When we are given a beam section, we know what all data (like cross sectional dimensions, grade of concrete etc.,) we will need to calculate it's MuR. All those data will be needed to calculate it's Mulim also, except the area of steel Ast. The reason for this is: Mulim does not depend on Ast.

• We calculate Mulim using all other details

• And then specify the Ast (using Eq.3.29 given above) that the beam will require to develop this Mulim.
• This 'required Ast' is denoted as Ast,lim.

Starting from a low value of Ast, if we keep on increasing it's value, the ultimate moment of resistance MuR of the beam section will also keep on increasing. At a particular value of Ast,lim, It's MuR will become equal to Mulim. If we still increase Ast, the section will become over reinforced. This can be presented in a graphical form as shown below:

Variation of MuR and xu
Variation of the depth of neutral axis and ultimate moment of resistance depending on the area of steel provided

The above fig. shows four conditions of a beam section. In all the four conditions, the section have the same cross sectional dimensions and effective depth d. The grade of concrete and steel are also the same. But Ast, is different. 
• (1) is such that the Ast provided in it is far less than Ast,lim.  So the resisting moment MuR that the beam section can offer at the ultimate state will be far less than it's Mulim. We can say that the beam section in (1) has a low 'capacity'.  
• In (2), Ast provided is greater than in (1) but still less than Ast,lim. So it will have a greater capacity than in (1). 
• In (3), Ast = Ast,lim. So it will have the 'full possible capacity'. 
• In (4), the section will have a higher capacity than in (3). But it is over reinforced. So the failure will not be ductile, and it is undesirable.

The above graph shows the variation of xu also.

 xu will also keep on increasing as we increase Ast
• When the particular quantity of exact Ast,lim is given, xu will be equal to xu,max
• When Ast is still increased, xu will become greater than xu,max, indicating that the section has become over reinforced.

From the above discussions, it is clear that Mulim is a particular value of MuR. In fact, it is clear in the equation for Mulim (Eq.3.25 given above) itself. We can see that in that equation, we are multiplying the compressive force by the lever arm. Just as we obtain MuR by multiplying compressive force by the lever arm. The only difference is that, in Eq.3.25, the compressive force is that which the beam section will be experiencing when xu = xu,max. And also the lever arm is that when xu = xu,max. So we can write:

Depth of neutral axis at the ultimate state, when the limiting area of steel is provided in the beam section.

We will learn it's application when we discuss the design of rectangular beams in the next section.

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  1. The way of your teaching is good
    I found something new on your blog

  2. tq sir ....sir is ur leacture are in videos sir

  3. We have not prepared videos of the notes. Only written format is available.
